Brainstorming Quiz, Day - 7 Solution

Discover how Amogh Bhattarai solved the Sponsor Sequence problem to secure ZAAOU's sponsorship for ACES TechFest 7.0, with Python code and insights into algorithm design.

Sandip Sapkota

Mon, Dec 9, 2024

1 min read


Answer:173 We used Python to implement an algorithm that calculates the Sponsor sequence and identifies the 50th element. Here's the code:

def find_nth_sponsor_element(n):
    sponsor_sequence = [2, 9, 15]
    current = 16  # Start from the next number after the last in the initial list

    while len(sponsor_sequence) < n:
        is_sponsor = True
        for x in sponsor_sequence:
            if current % x == 0:  # Check divisibility condition
                is_sponsor = False

        if is_sponsor:

        current += 1  # Move to the next number

    return sponsor_sequence[n-1]  # Return only the nth element

# Find the 50th element
fiftieth_element = find_nth_sponsor_element(50)
print('The 50th sponsor element is:', fiftieth_element)