Brainstorming Quiz - Day 3 Solution

This blog explains how to decode a message by extracting palindromic and non-palindromic substrings, concatenating the non-palindromic strings, and then reversing the result to reveal the decoded message.

Tilak Thapa

Thu, Dec 5, 2024

2 min read


String: AdaTreFeRsraDAReMaDaMfDeIfIeDhLeVeLcStAtSemUrdrUMtADA


Explanation of the Approach:

To decode the given message, the string consists of alternating palindromic substrings and non-palindromic segments. The decoding process involves the following steps:

  1. Extract Palindromes and Non-Palindromic Strings:
    • Identify palindromic substrings in the string step-by-step, skipping characters after each palindrome.
    • Collect non-palindromic segments that appear between the palindromic substrings.
  2. Concatenate the Non-Palindromic Segments:
    • Gather all non-palindromic strings into a single concatenated result.
  3. Reverse the Non-Palindromic String:
    • Reverse the concatenated non-palindromic string to reveal the decoded message.

This approach ensures that the alternating structure of palindromes and normal strings is utilized to extract the hidden message effectively.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

// Function to check if a substring is a palindrome
bool isPalindrome(const string &str, int start, int end)
  while (start < end)
    if (str[start] != str[end])
      return false;
  return true;

// Function to find the longest palindrome substring starting at currentIndex
string findPalindrome(const string &str, int &currentIndex)
  int n = str.size();
  string longestPalindrome = "";

  for (int end = currentIndex + 1; end <= n; end++)
    if (isPalindrome(str, currentIndex, end - 1))
      string palindrome = str.substr(currentIndex, end - currentIndex);
      if (palindrome.size() > longestPalindrome.size())
        longestPalindrome = palindrome;

  if (!longestPalindrome.empty())
    currentIndex += longestPalindrome.size(); // Skip the palindrome
    return longestPalindrome;

  return ""; // No palindrome found

int main()
  string input = "AdaTreFeRsraDAReMaDaMfDeIfIeDhLeVeLcStAtSemUrdrUMtADA";

  // Convert string to uppercase
  transform(input.begin(), input.end(), input.begin(), ::toupper);
  cout << "Converted to uppercase: " << input << endl;

  int currentIndex = 0;          // Start index for searching
  string result = "";            // To store all palindromes
  string singlePalindromes = ""; // To store single-character palindromes

  while (currentIndex < input.size())
    string palindrome = findPalindrome(input, currentIndex);
    if (!palindrome.empty())
      result += palindrome + " ";
      if (palindrome.size() == 1)
        singlePalindromes += palindrome;
      // No more palindromes, break out of the loop

  // Reverse the single-character palindromes string
  string reversedSinglePalindromes = singlePalindromes;
  reverse(reversedSinglePalindromes.begin(), reversedSinglePalindromes.end());

  // Log the concatenated and reversed single-character palindromes
  cout << "Non palindrome string: " << singlePalindromes << endl;
  cout << "Decoded message: " << reversedSinglePalindromes << endl;

  return 0;